Crowns and Bridges

These procedures are used for different reasons. Crowns are used to protect a tooth from fracturing after root canal treatment or due to a very large filling which leaves the tooth undermined and at risk of fracturing. Crowns are also used to change the look of teeth in order to improve the esthetics of your smile. A crown is made in two appointments. The first is a longer appointment in which the tooth is prepared to accept the crown and an impression is taken to be sent to the lab so that a new crown can be made. You will leave the office with a temporary crown. On the second appointment, less than two weeks later, your dentist will permanently cement your crown in place.

Bridges are used to replace single or multiple missing teeth. The procedure is similar to a crown in that two, or more teeth are prepared for crowns. The teeth bordering the space act as support for the missing one(s) as does a bridge over water. The bridge gets permanently cemented into your mouth as one piece on the final appointment. Bridges work extremely well to replace the missing teeth but they do require the removal of tooth structure to allow for the materials that make up your brige or crowns. You must continue to clean around your bridge and we will show you how to keep it clean and healthy.


Thornhill Woods Centre
8707 Dufferin Street, Unit 5
Thornhill, Ontario, L4J 0A2

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If you would like to become a patient please give us a call or click here to contact us via email.

Office Hours
Monday 9:00am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday 10:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday 10:00am – 7:00pm
Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 3:00pm
(3 Saturdays per month)


Summeridge Dental